I have been raised in the church my whole life. I've attended Sunday school and participated in kid's christmas plays, my house was filled with bibles and bible story books, I learned all of the stories and grew up with the idea that God really did love me (I wasn't sure if He actually liked me; I was a pretty major screw up most of the time). I used to sit and read my colorful bible story books for hours and it gave me a real love for the stories of the Old and New Testaments. As I grew older I became more and more interested in the reasons behind my faith and so I began to grow more and more fascinated with the writings of the apostles in the New Testament.
One section of the bible I have stayed away from for the most part though are the writings of the prophets in the Old Testament. It wasn't that I didn't try, I mean after all if you're going to be a good Christian you must read straight through the bible once a year (I never actually made it until well after I was married), I would just get hung up when I got to this section.
In the last couple of years I've been going through a major shift in my thinking. It has opened up my faith and relationship with God in ways I never imagined. God has grown in my thoughts, in my views of Him, in His splendor and majesty, in His goodness...He has grown in me. It has been wonderful, it is beyond words.
I've decided lately to go back and take a second look at the prophets and see if this new way of thinking, this larger, grander, more magnificent view of God might affect my understanding of these books. I've always known that these books too are the word of God, they are powerful and reveal His very heart and mind, I just felt as if something were missing in me to be able to see it. I'm thinking I might be ready now.
So I'm starting in the book of Isaiah. My intention is to journal my journey through this book here. It will be a great discipline for me and will help to organize my thinking. Maybe someone will decide to read along and journey with me...I'd welcome your company and your thoughts. Journey's are always better with company.
I'm in no hurry to get through it, and I'm definitely not intending on writing a new commentary of the book, merely journaling my thoughts as things strike me throughout. So...here goes...
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