It said a lot of the usual stuff, in the usual ways, but all the while saying they were the church for people who didn't like church anymore but still liked Jesus. I can appreciate that. I think there is a little too much of this language everywhere you look in the church world these days, but I get it; a lot of people are burned out on the whole "church" scene. So, there is a move underway, by some, to recast the church in a new, "hip" light.
Now, I like "hip" a lot! I don't think of myself as "hip" at all, but I like it when I see it! What I'm not real fond of is trying to be "hip" for the sake of "hip-ness". I mean, if you are "hip", let your "hip" flag fly! But I don't think "hip" is a good thing to work at...especially in church. It just looks a little off. Kind of like Tom Hanks' multiple characters in "The Polar Express". You knew that train conductor was Tom Hanks, but something was just not quite right...
So on one of the pages of this church's website I saw "Becoming A Christian. It's As Easy As ABC". It then went on to spell out the ABC's:
- Admit you're a sinner...
- Believe that Jesus died on the cross for you to pay for your sins...
- Choose to accept His free gift of forgiveness, by accepting Him as your Lord and Savior...
...and that was pretty much it. Presto, Magico! We just baked up a batch of salvation! We have the list, we've checked it twice. We followed the directions...Yep! We're all saved now! Doesn't it feel good?!
The problem is...Jesus never said any of this...
- Jesus called us to repent, to rethink our entire way of living our lives, not just the bad things we do.
- Jesus called us to believe in Him, literally to place our confidence in Him, not just something He did.
- Jesus never asked permission when He forgave, no one ever had to accept His forgiveness, He just freely gave it whenever the opportunity presented itself.
- Jesus said "...I am Lord...", "...I have come to save..." He is Lord and Savior whether one accepts it or not, it is who He is.
The question then becomes "Will I continue to fight for my own way, or will I recognize that His way of life is far superior to my own?"
This question is relevant both without and within our churches today. Too many church attendees (either full time or part time) today have settled for an ABC christianity. We have traded the beautiful, loving, adventurous, passionate, interactive relationship with the Creator of everything (both seen and unseen), and changed it for a three part formula that when mixed together and baked in the oven of human life, someday comes out smelling of fresh baked salvation from hell and into everlasting heaven.
I'm sorry, it's just not good enough news for me.
Why do we do this?
Because it's easy.
It's easy to understand a formula; relationship is hard. It's easy to believe three things, say a prayer and then wait for heaven; it's hard to develop a new life passion. It's relatively easy to work hard to break a bad sin habit; it's impossible to become a different kind of person on my own. It's easy to show up to church every Sunday, read some bible verses, pass out some tracks to people on the street; it's hard to become involved in people's messy lives, to meet people's needs, to be interrupted from something I want to be doing to spend time with someone else. It's easy to give 10% of my money; it's hard to not want anything. It's easy to feel guilt and condemnation; it's hard to get on with living His life. It's easy to study doctrine; it's hard to love my enemy.
The real beauty of salvation is when we choose to follow Jesus (become His disciple) and we begin to learn to trust Him for everything, He saves our live's now! We don't have to wait for heaven! The glorious, beyond our wildest imagination, reality of a future heaven will take care of itself! And where else would we go?? We've followed Him with our whole lives, of course we will follow Him into the next!
The real beauty of salvation is that we are invited by God (by way of gentle, loving command) to participate with Him in His great saving (reconciling) work in this life. Jesus called this being salt and light. Jesus said our good deeds would bring glory to God. Jesus commanded us to love one another. Jesus invited us to follow His example and make disciples, immersing these ones (through their interactions with us) in the reality of the triune God.
The real beauty of salvation is intimate and passionate relationship with Creator God. It is not a formula. It does not always make sense. It is certainly not without danger. It does require much effort, although I cannot trust in that effort.
The real beauty of salvation is it is truly good news. Right here, right now, and for eternity!
Oh my goodness...this is awesome. You put into words what is in my heart ...and what I have so much difficulty verbalizing.
ReplyDeleteThis paragraph says it all: "t's easy to understand a formula; relationship is hard. It's easy to believe three things, say a prayer and then wait for heaven; it's hard to develop a new life passion. It's relatively easy to work hard to break a bad sin habit; it's impossible to become a different kind of person on my own. It's easy to show up to church every Sunday, read some bible verses, pass out some tracks to people on the street; it's hard to become involved in people's messy lives, to meet people's needs, to be interrupted from something I want to be doing to spend time with someone else. It's easy to give 10% of my money; it's hard to not want anything. It's easy to feel guilt and condemnation; it's hard to get on with living His life. It's easy to study doctrine; it's hard to love my enemies."
So, I missed when Jesus came to die, or did that have no purpose? Because the Jesus that I have a relionship with died for my sins. Also, I've said the prayer, three times. That didn't save me. I wasn't saved until I believed that I deserved the full wrath of God because, "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." -Romans 3:23 and when I realized that, I believed that Jesus was the Son of God, who came willingly to earth, and he didn't die for my sins, but for the sins of a lot of people. I know a lot of people that others label hard to love. I probably couldn't love them if the Holy Spirit hadn't permitted me to. However by Gods grace I can, but only by him. I was a wretch before I realized the importance of the cross, and honestly, I should go to Hell, if it wasn't for Jesus I'd say, "God, sign me up for Hell, I don't deserve you." However, God showed his love for us by coming to earth and by Jesus dying on the cross. I wouldn't have come down from heaven personally, I'm too selfish. Fortunately for those who will believe, "For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures." 1 Corinthians 15:3 and also, "But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed."Isaiah 53:5 and of course, Revalations talks about Heaven, the Mellinium, and the good times to come. I don't like earth, I want to see heaven. Anyhow, Casey, I respect you, but would like to see some acctual Biblical references.
Dixie Carpenter
Dixie, I wrote a long comment in reply...and then lost it. So frustrating. So I'm only going to recap it:
ReplyDeleteIs it that you are taking issue with what I didn't say, or what I did say?
I didn't talk of the cross in this blog because the cross is the given, it is what is talked about consistently and regularly in the majority of our churches today. What I wrote on is what is not being talked about consistently and regularly in the majority of our churches today. This does not denigrate the cross. I am simply calling for the whole message of the gospels to be raised in our preaching, in our discussions, in our book writing, and so on again. We do not spend nearly enough energy talking about the message of Jesus (having to do with every avenue of our lives (even our sin)), the gospel of Jesus (Matt. 4:23), the life of Jesus (how He conducted Himself, interacted with others, called disciples to follow Him), His offer of abundant, joyous life now (John 10:10, 15:11), and many other things. Instead we focus on His perfect life (proof that He and He alone is the spotless lamb), His death and His resurrection so we can one day be saved from an eternal and horrific hell, and one day be saved to a wonderful and glorious heaven. By implication, life here and now then is nothing but a waiting room for real life that is to come later. This is where we get it horribly wrong!!
Did Jesus live the perfect life, die the perfect life to atone for our sins and raise from the dead? Most certainly He did! But my confidence is not in what He did, my confidence is in WHO He is that made it possible for Him to do what He did. My salvation is in Him, it is in WHO He is. Jesus plainly told Nicodemus this in John 3:16, "...that whosoever believes in Him (literally: to place one's confidence in, to trust in) would not perish, but have eternal life." Salvation comes by choosing to trust Him in this life and for all eternity, in every single area of my life, even the dealing with my sin.
Is there hell? Absolutely! What else would you call separation from God? Can I live life on earth here and now separated from God? Absolutely! And if I never admit my need for Him then that will stretch on for eternity, but I can have it now too if I want it; and many, many do!
Is there heaven? Of course there is! What else would you call life with God? Eternal life maybe? "...and this is eternal life that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent." (John 17:3). Can I know God now? Of course I can. So does that mean I can have eternal life now? According to Jesus I can, and not only that, it will go on and on for eternity, this intimate and interactive relationship with God.
This is Jesus' gospel of the Kingdom of God or the Kingdom of Heaven (Matthew 4:23, 9:35, 24:14, Mark 1:14-15, Luke 9:1-6), living now (it is at hand, right here! (Matt. 4:17)) in interactive and intimate relationship with God (John 17:3) where we have surrendered ourselves to Him as King.
Dixie, if you are looking for salvation in the recognition of your own sin as you stated, then you are simply missing the gospel of Jesus. Look to Him for your salvation, I promise you He will deal with your sin, but He will do so much more, He will give you abundant and joyous life that will never come to an end. You won't have to worry about hell, He has done everything necessary for you to live life with Him for eternity. He can even give you eternal life beginning now (John 17:2&3). You don't have to dislike this earth, He poured out His creative goodness in the forming of it and even called it "very good" (Genesis 1:31). This earth, this life has profound purpose and meaning, it was carefully constructed by God that way. So what will you do with this beautiful, meaningful, glorifying opportunity at life that He has given you?
"Some actual bible references", do with them as you will. :)
ReplyDeleteFrom my four points in my blog:
1. Matthew 4:17
2. John 3:16
3. Mark 2:5, Luke 7:48
4. Mark 2:28, John 12:47