Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Way - 1-17-09

The Way…
“…I admit that I worship the God of our fathers as a follower of the Way…” Acts 24:14

I’ve been thinking about my faith a lot lately. I mean really contemplating it. Trying to examine it as an expert jeweler would a fine diamond. Turning it, letting the light reflect off of its many facets, trying not to get stuck for too long on any one particular area. This is somewhat new for me; and, to be honest, at times somewhat uncomfortable.
“The Way.”

Preceding any word, statement, idea, belief and so on with a definite article (the) is a politically dangerous thing these days. By direct implication it precludes all other words, statements, ideas, beliefs and so on, and that is something that many people today are very uncomfortable with.

Jesus was not one of these people.

That Jesus would boldly proclaim, “I am the way, and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me,” (John 14:6) demands of the hearer a response; is He a megalomaniac…or is He indeed the way…and the truth…and the life?

I don’t believe that Jesus had a problem putting all of us in this potentially awkward position. I don’t believe He lay awake at night worrying over the violations to political correctness. I really don’t believe that He ever once regretted making the statement, kicking himself for his “runaway mouth” again.

What I really do believe is…that He actually meant it.

He lived a life exemplifying this belief in every way. In calling others to leave all behind and follow Him, in challenging the religiosity of the day, in willingly going to the cross and then rising again from the dead; He demonstrated His commitment to what He believed.

And so for those who believe that He knew what He was talking about, for those who believe that He is the Christ, the Messiah, the very Son of the living God, He demands that we demonstrate our commitment to what we say we believe and follow Him as “The Way.”

The first century church got this. In fact they began to be known as “Followers of The Way” or “Those of The Way.” They came to be known not for “what they believed to be true”, but instead known for how “what they believed to be true” profoundly changed the way they lived. “The Way” was not a system of belief; “The Way” was a way of life.

I have not been able to think about this without it raising some deep questions within myself. Do I approach The Way as a system of beliefs, doctrine and theology, something to be protected and preserved and fought for, or is it more profoundly a way of living that is shaped and molded by my beliefs, doctrine and theology? To put it more simply, does anyone recognize me as being a follower of The Way?

I think this is the question that we all must ask of ourselves. The answer is one that is not so much vocalized as lived out. As Thomas Carlyle once said, “Conviction is worthless unless it is converted into conduct.” I believe there are many who believe that there is no other way than The Way. May our convictions be converted into conduct as we learn to live, and breathe, and move in His Kingdom as followers of The Way.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous says:
    January 21, 2009 at 4:55 pm
    Thank you for your insight of living out our convictition. My conduct is so often counter to that of my proclamation of being a follower of Christ. I’ve never considered my conversion as an on going (in this life) work of the Holy Spirit in my day to day, moment by moment life. The realization of conversion happening today as much as the day I first believed is a mile marker for me. I can intentionaly conduct myself in a manner worthy of Him who indwells me. It looks and sounds a lot like santification…no it couldn’t be! Anyway it brings to mind the saying ” If you were to be convicted of being a follower of Christ, Is there overwhelming evidence to support it”. Thanks again for your insight.

    Anonymous says:
    January 22, 2009 at 4:23 am
    ‘not for what they believed to be true’ but ‘for HOW what they believed to be true changed their life’. So true since He came to give us LIFE (see e.g. John 10:10)-not mere dogma.

    Thank you for the challenge and for being an ever present example of ‘The Way’. - Brian

    Jessicah Travis says:
    January 23, 2009 at 7:54 pm
    You know I love the way you think and process your faith on a daily basis. I’m so glad you are sharing it in this way with others. And I know, from living with you, that your desire each day is to live in the WAY of Christ. And I thank you for being that daily example and strength for me and our girls. ~ Jess
