Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Burning Through Grace (part 2)

"For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith - and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God - not by works, so that no one can boast." - Paul

"...in order to keep me from becoming conceited, I was given a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan, to torment me.  Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me.  But He said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."  Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.  That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties.  For when I am weak, then I am strong." - Paul

"And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work." - Paul

I was talking with a friend of mine yesterday and we were talking about why we are here, and how God has created everything and even the way everything works.  And then we were talking about how He has, for some reason, given us a will and the ability to think and choose our own courses in life, and ultimately whether or not we even have anything at all to do with Him.  We both came to pretty much the same conclusion; if it were anyone other than God who came up with a system like that...you would have to be inclined to encourage them to go back to the drawing board.  After all, if my power were limitless, I could probably come up with a creative way of changing minds to do what I want, and in such a way that they wouldn't even realize that their mind have been tampered with at all...

...which of course is why I can't be trusted with limitless power.

So why this way then?  Why would God set things up the way that He did?  With all of His wisdom and insight and omniscience, why give us the reigns?  Why allow us the ability, and yes even the power, to make such colossal wrecks of our lives and the world all around us?  Especially when often times the choices and decisions I have the ability to make have the power to direct so much pain at others in my immediate vicinity.  I'll bet I'm not the only one who has ever wondered as to whether or not He has really thought this one all the way through...

We see people deal with this wondering in different kinds of ways:
  • Obviously, there is no god.  How can there be with a system like this?  We are completely on our own.
  • Maybe there is a god out there somewhere, but it's quite obvious that he or she or it has nothing, and wants nothing to do with us.
  • For sure there is a god out there, probably lots of them, and we are nothing more than chess pieces to play with.
  • Absolutely God is there, and here, and everywhere!  He has laid out His demands, and there is literal hell to pay for anyone who does not fall in line specifically and directly in this way (insert very specific religious belief here...).
  • I'm sure God is out there...I'm just not convinced that He knows that I am right here...
After pin-balling all around this list during my life, I've come to two realizations as to why God has set things into motion in the way in which He has:
  • Relationship
  • Partnership
Look at these examples that we are given.

In the creation story we are told that God chose to create us in His image, in His likeness...only the text seems to quote God in the plural saying, "Let us create man in our own image, in our likeness."  Then the text goes on to say that God did just that, creating them male and female.  Later the text says that together "the two shall become one".  It's not a big leap to see what is being implied here, the one-ness, the being in His plural image, is in relationship.  The story is telling us that our beginning is formed in relationship and for relationship, much like my beginning 38 years ago was formed in the relationship of my mother and father out of their desire for relationship with each other, and ultimately their relationship with me.  And now I have carried this forward with my wife and two daughters.  The story then goes on immediately to give us mission in life, to partner with Him in caring for everything that He has just created.  Just as a family business might be handed from generation to generation, caring for each other and the world that He has created is the divine family business.

In another example we see God form a special relationship with Abraham and promise him offspring that will form an entirely new nation in the world.  God chooses to specifically bless Abraham through this relationship, and then tells Abraham that He wants him to partner with Him in being His conduit of blessing to the entire world.

Roughly 2,000 years later we see Jesus here on earth form a special, loving relationship with a very small group of disciples.  At the end of that period of time, He gives them the directive to partner with Him in continuing His work, "...as I have loved you, so you are to love each other...", and "...now you make your own disciples, teaching them all that I have taught you...".

In II Corinthians 5, Paul tells us that by the love of Christ and the work that He has done on our behalf, our relationship with God has been completely reconciled.  There is nothing still standing between us, all has been made new and set right.  Because of this, Paul tells us that we are to partner with God Himself, as His ambassadors, being ministers of God's reconciliation with all of mankind.

These are just a few of the many examples all through the bible.  God's desire for relationship and partnership with the ones He created, His children.

So what does any of this have to do with grace??

When we understand what it is that God has been looking for in us, then we begin to get a clear picture of how we like sheep have strayed from the Shepherd's care.  Not only have we struggled through, and sometimes outright rejected His many offers of relationship; but when we do acknowledge Him, we so many times find ourselves still carrying our own heavy burdens, we still struggle with trying to please Him and earn His favor, we still try to function in our own strength, or even just go about life as usual with no thought of seeing His Kingdom come and His will be done on earth as it is in the heavens.

What does this have to do with grace?  Grace is God's lovingkindness, His goodness, His favor which is poured out on us and fills us up to overflowing to actually live the good life of relationship and partnership that He has planned for us.  It is His ability to live our lives as He desires them to be lived.  It is His power to not have our lives dictated by the circumstances that pound from every side like gale force winds.  In the words of my pastor, grace is the fuel that we are intended to consume in order to live His life of goodness just like an 18 wheeler consumes diesel climbing a long, steep grade.

This grace, this favor, this divine ability to accomplish in us what we cannot accomplish on our own, is simply accessed by choosing to stop looking to others and inward for strength and ability and answers, and to begin to find our confidence for living in Him.  It's His life that He is offering to us after all, He is the author of it and it simply cannot be found anywhere else.  

This is how Jesus put it, "Abide in me, and I in you.  As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me.  I am the vine; you are the branches.  Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing."  

So what then does this grace look like in our lives?  What is this fruit?  What is this something that we can only do if we are abiding in Him?  I'll look at that next time.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Burning Through Grace (part 1)

Years ago when I was in high school, I went to a youth conference with my church youth group.  The speaker was talking about God's free gift of salvation and how all we had to do was to accept it.  He talked about how we all deserved hell and eternal punishment because we have offended God.  He talked about when we receive God's free gift of salvation, that is His grace, and when we don't go to hell for eternity, that is His mercy.  The speaker explained that mercy and grace are similar, but different.  He explained that mercy is not getting the bad that I do deserve and grace is getting the good that I do not deserve.

That worked for me for a while.

Who wouldn't be very grateful that they are not getting the hell that they really deserve?  And I was very gratefully looking forward to the heaven that I did not deserve.  

In response, I began to devote myself to studying out how exactly this mercy and grace comes about.  I studied who does and who does not receive this mercy and grace and why.  I studied how GOD and GOD alone determines who receives His mercy and grace not taking into account anything I have done.  I learned how everything in the bible leads us to the point of Jesus giving His life on the cross and this is where God's perfect demand for justice and His desire for grace and mercy met, and this is proof of His divine love.  All of this kept me very busy and I filled many notebooks up with the notes I was accumulating on my studies...until I began seeing, and I mean really seeing passages like this:
  • You are the light of the world...let your light shine so brightly before men that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in the heavens. (Matt. 5)
  • Love your enemies...do good to those who hate you... (Matt. 5)
  • ...a good tree bears good fruit... (Matt. 7)
  • A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good things...(Matt. 12)
  • ...the hour is coming when those who have died and are in the grave will hear His voice and they will come out of their graves; those who have done good to the resurrection of life, those who have done evil to the resurrection of judgment. (Jn. 5)
  • This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. (Jn. 15)
  • ...Come...inherit the kingdom prepared for you...for when I was hungry, you fed me; when I was thirsty, you gave me something to drink, when I was a stranger, you took me in; when I was naked, you gave me clothes; when I was sick, you cared for me; when I was imprisoned, you visited me. (Matt. 25)
  • Therefore, make disciples...teaching them to do all that I have commanded you to do... (Matt. 28)
Do you ever have those times when a light bulb clicks on and you become aware of something you've never been aware of before, and suddenly you begin to see that idea everywhere?  This was one of those times for me.  This is when another thought began to form in my thinking...maybe, just maybe, Jesus had something more for us than not getting the hell I do deserve and getting the heaven that I do not deserve...

Now, the very next thing my mind did was begin to fight this new thought.  This flew in the face of everything that I had been raised to believe through all my years of christian schooling, family devotionals, Sunday school, bible studies, and so on.  I had been raised to believe that grace is a free gift, there is absolutely nothing that can be done to earn it, therefore trying to earn it by doing good nullifies it.

...but I couldn't stop seeing Jesus and then the rest of the New Testament, and then the Old Testament too, talking about what we do with the lives that we have been granted...

If I'm honest, it was a bit of a scary time in my faith.  I knew things were changing in my thinking, I couldn't help it.  

I remember one time in particular when I was reading a book by an author that I was supposed to reject (I was reading the book to have appropriate ammunition to combat his thinking were anyone in our church to approach me about it), and I got up from my living room chair, stormed into the bedroom where Jess was making our bed, threw the book down and exclaimed, "I can't keep reading this!"  She calmly asked me why, and shaken to my core I replied, "Because I can't find what's wrong with it..."  

I knew at that moment that my faith was heading in a new direction, and if I were to halt that shift, I would have to outright reject these new thoughts and dismiss the words of Jesus in order to settle back into my old and comfortable and safe way of thinking again.

This is exactly what Jesus was and continues to be about though, right?  He is about taking us in entirely new directions from the safe paths that we have been plodding along on.  He is about challenging our thinking by opening our eyes and whispers of new ideas into our ears.  He was and is never ok with allowing us to continue down well beaten trails of comfortable and safe movements.  He never offers us "the kool-aid".  If there is a better way to think about He and the  Father and the Spirit and their desire for us to live their eternal kind of life, then He will relentlessly pursue us until we have to deal with that new kind of thought.

This is exactly where I found myself, do I hang on to the comfortable way of looking at grace as a gift that is given to me to avoid hell and my ticket into heaven, or is there something, and possibly much to be done right here and right now?  

This is when another new thought began to form, what if it's both?

What if it really is about escaping hell, what if it really is about life with Them in heaven...only what if that begins right now, and this...this is exactly what grace is for?